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How To Make Vanilla Extract

Learn how to make vanilla extract at home with these two ingredients. These easy and quick steps will give you amazing vanilla flavor just in time for baking season or for Christmas gifts for your friends and family.
Course Dessert, Other
Cuisine American
Keyword Homemade Vanilla Extract, Pure vanilla, Vanilla
Prep Time 10 minutes
Servings 50 Servings (about 1 tsp per serving)


  • 1 8oz glass jar or bottle
  • Funnel


  • 8 oz vodka
  • 5-10 Vanilla beans


Step 1
Make sure to clean all glass bottle and let dry before making vanilla extract.
Step 2
You are going to want to open your vanilla bean. By using a sharp knife split the vanilla bean down the middle, it doesn't have to be all the way, just enough to open the bean. Depending on the size of the bottle you use to make this extract you might have to cut your beans in half to fit. Add 5-10 vanilla beans to the jar or glass bottle. 
Step 3
You can now pour the vodka into the bottles. You can either use 8oz of vodka or enough to submerge the vanilla beans.
Step 4
Now we wait. You are going to want to store your vanilla extract in the cupboard or make sure it's out of direct sunlight. Make sure to shake the bottles once every week or two weeks. I highly suggest you store this in a place you see often so you don't forget about them.
Step 5
Once it's been at least 3 months you can start using your vanilla extract. For optimal flavor wait 6-12 months for the best, stronger vanilla extract flavor.